Yes...we did JUST elect a board of directors and club officers back in September, but due to Rotary rules, it is already time to nominate a ballot of officers and directors for the club in the 2017-18 Rotary year (July 1-June 30).
As President Susanne mentioned at our meeting on October 20, we will be conducting our annual club election at the December 1 meeting. Positions that will be on the ballot include President, President Elect, President Nominee (2019-20 president), Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Membership Director, Service Projects Director, The Rotary Foundation Director, Club Administration Director and Public Relations Director. During the brief board meeting held after the October 20 meeting, all of the officers agreed that they would follow the strong recommendation of District 5100 officials to stay on for a full year of board service, establishing continuity and consistency that the club needs in order to grow in its early years. We will provide time at our November 3 meeting for discussion and questions about this. Anyone interested in a board position, particularly President Nominee (since we don't have one) should talk with President Susanne at the November 3 meeting, or by email prior to that meeting. Comments are closed.
May 2024