![]() Members of the Rotary Club of Three Creeks held a Toy Drive at their December 7, 2017 club meeting and collected an impressive barrel full of toys ranging from dolls to Legos. These toys were collected after the meeting by Service Projects Director Steve Pash, who delivered them to the Clark County Sheriff's Office, for the annual Santa's Posse program, which Clark County Rotary clubs provide volunteers for. The toys collected throughout the Santa's Posse program will be wrapped and delivered - by volunteers - to more than 900 families in Clark County this year. The Rotary Club of Three Creeks is proud to make an impact in Santa's Posse again this year, and we look forward to active participation for years to come. Congratulations to our 2018-19 Officers and directors, elected Thursday night at our regular club meeting.
President - Nelson Holmberg President Elect - Scot Brantley President Nominee/Club Administration Director - Shirley Gross Secretary - Lisa Abrahamsson Treasurer - Kelley Johnson Campbell Sergeant At Arms - Jolene Nelson Membership Director - Chuck Green The Rotary Foundation Director - Jim Selby Service Projects Director - Tina Vlachos Public Relations Director - Chris Workman New Generations Director - Audra Smith Susanne Holmberg will serve the 2018-19 year as Immediate Past President (IPP) and will remain engaged with the board. These officers and directors will take office on July 1, 2018 and serve the 2018-19 Rotary Year. Larry Hatch will be the Rotary District 5100 Governor for the same year. Please remember to bring toys to our December 7 meeting at Luke Jensen Sports Park. This Toy Drive benefits the Clark County Sheriff's Office Santa's Posse program.
This will be our only opportunity to provide toys for Santa's Posse this year. Santa’s Posse is a partnership between the Clark County Sheriff’s Office and the local community working together to collect and distribute toys and food to make a special Christmas holiday season for less fortunate families. Santa’s Posse was created in 1997 by then Sheriff Garry Lucas and his team as a way of contributing back to our community and helping families in need during the holiday season. What started with delivery of food, gifts and personal care items to 25 families has expanded to 1,000. This year, Santa’s Posse will provide Christmas for over 3,400 children in our community. ![]() Mistie Josephson will share information about Washington State University's Business Growth Mentor & Analysis Program (MAP) that Three Creeks member Jerry Zsenyuk is involved with. WSU Vancouver’s award-winning Business Growth MAP helps local small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed while providing educational opportunities for Carson College of Business students. The program is comprised of a pro-bono student consultancy, a monthly small business forum, and an educational course for small business owners. Business Growth MAP is cultivating the next generation of business leaders. With 95 percent of WSU Vancouver students staying in the region, the program is placing experienced graduates into the local economy. As small businesses find innovative ways to become profitable, the community gains a healthier job market, creating more revenue for the Southwest Washington and Portland metro area. |
January 2025