The club's board of directors recently approved a recommendation from the membership committee that we create a business membership and a family/partner membership.
The idea behind these is to encourage local businesses to participate in Rotary with more than one employee, and to provide an opportunity for like-minded family members to join the club without having to pay full dues for each member. The Family/Partner Membership allows a couple (two family members related by marriage/civil union/blood) an opportunity to be a member of the Rotary Club of Three Creeks with two members to actively participate in the club, per the definition of participation in the club’s bylaws. The Business Membership allows a small business, company or corporation an opportunity to be a member of the Rotary Club of Three Creeks with up to four members to actively participate in the club, per the definition of participation in the club’s bylaws. We are excited that the Business Membership idea already has some traction, with a couple of businesses already expressing interest. Comments are closed.
May 2024