After reaching record-setting numbers for the fourth consecutive year, Dancing with the Local Stars is set for its 2023 show at ilani Casino Resort in Ridgefield, Saturday, March 4, 2023.
Dancing with the Local Stars is presented by Parlour 73 of Battle Ground. “Dancing with the Local Stars is, quite possibly, the most exciting fundraiser of the year, as evidenced by its long history of sellout crowds,” said Club President Andi Costello. “Three Creekers believe in service above self and the funds to help the hungry, homeless, at-risk youth in our community. We believe that a fun and festive evening with local talent and a bit of competition brings out the best of our community to raise funds to make a difference all over Clark County.” Since 2018, the Rotary Club of Three Creeks has hosted Dancing with the Local Stars, taking it over from the Historic Trust. The club formed a non-profit foundation in 2021 to take over the event so that donations could be tax deductible. In five seasons of Dancing with the Local Stars, and one season of “Dining with the Local Stars” – a video production that was the club’s pivot during the pandemic in March 2021 – the club has raised more than $100,000 and has distributed significant aid to food pantries across the community, and to non-profit organizations that assist children, veterans and homeless primarily in north Clark County, but all across the county where there is need. This year, the cast of Dancing with the Local Stars includes Jesse Braman (Pivotal Painting & Rotary Club of Three Creeks), Natalie Grushevskiy-Rybak (Aerista Aviation), Marykay Lamoureaux (Ridgefield Main Street Association), Shana O’Brien (Cascadia NW Real Estate), Brad Richardson (Clark County Historical Museum), Angie White-Swanson (teacher, Evergreen Public Schools), Mitchell Wilder(Frito Lay), Dr. Weiya Wysham (Compass Oncology), and Paul Van Der Salm (Heritage Bank). The nine local stars will compete for the grand championship with the funds that they will work to raise between now and the event on March 4. Funds raised during the event may also be allocated to the donor's favorite local stars to help that star win the Mirror Ball Trophy. A panel of four judges will determine the best dancer, in fashion like the TV show that inspires the fundraiser. The judges are Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, the club’s Immediate Past President Nelson Holmberg, and a professional dance instructor with ballroom judging experience. The final judge will be a member of the audience who wins a raffle on the night of the event to take that seat on the stage. For the third year, KGW Reporter Tim Gordon will serve as emcee of the event. More information about the event – and opportunities to donate to the local stars – is available online at Comments are closed.
January 2025