At its October 13 meeting, the Rotary Club of Three Creeks board of directors voted to appointed Kinsey Dhoot and Charla Burke to leadership positions.
Dhoot, who had previously served as the club administration director and president elect nominee, was appointed to fill the open position of president elect, following a resignation from that position. Burke, a newcomer to the club's leadership group, was appointed to fill the opening in the club administration position following Dhoot's promotion. In January 2023, Dhoot will begin her training to become the club's next president, a position she will rise to on July 1, 2023 and serve through June 30, 2024. Burke will serve in the club administration position through June 30, 2023. Dhoot, who has a long history with Rotary - having served as staff advisor to an Interact Club in the Evergreen Public Schools and traveling to third-world nations for Rotary National Immunization Days in the fight to eradicate polio, will become the club's eighth president. She has been a member of the Rotary Club of Three Creeks since November 2020. Burke is a relative newcomer to Rotary, who has become involved in the club and is passionate about its extensive service to the community. She joined the club in January 2022. This is her first service to the club's board of directors. Comments are closed.
November 2024