What a great meeting of the Rotary Club of Three Creeks on Thursday, Oct. 18!
It was full of celebration and recognition, as much as it was meeting with, and hearing from, our district governor. Thanks for all who attended District Governor Larry and LaDonna's visit to our club, held at Red Barn Coffee House, where the comfortable setting and beautiful weather outside the open roll-up door created a casual, social setting. IPP Susanne received (officially) our Rotary Citation for the 2017-18 year; Kerrie was recognized with President Nelson's October Service Star, and Lisa Bechtold's first reading was done. Congratulations to Kelley Campbell who was recognized by DG Larry as our Club Champion. Unfortunately, Kelley was unable to attend, but Jolene accepted for her boss. We also inducted our newest member, Andi Costello. Who knew she didn't really bungee jump in New Zealand, but instead skydove, to "let her rebel fly"!? Comments are closed.
November 2024